Just when you thought you shouldn't try...
8 years ago
I have a good friend who thought I could sew so she invited me to a craft night where we pretended like we knew what we were doing. I had barely touched my sewing machine in years and I didn't have any confidence that I could make anything worth keeping.
After a few months of these crafting nights, she asked me if I could do a project for her. I couldn't let my pride down so I attempted this first project. Somehow it turned out really well and the project requests kept coming. Eventually people started calling me and asking if I could hem pants or finish a project they started.
Now I have been sewing regularly for about 7 years and I'm not too bad at it anymore. I don't have any training whatsoever except for a few videos online and I like making my own patterns. I've tackled more baby quilts than I can count and made a few larger ones for my kids. My daughters and nieces have been outfitted in dozens of skirts. It's one of my favorite hobbies and I host my own craft night once in awhile now.