How did I get into scrapbooking?
9 years ago

It seems like all the women in my family were into "crafting" at some point, so it was natural that I would also be interested. My great-grandmothers both sewed, and one crocheted. My maternal grandmother crocheted, and my paternal grandmother made intricate ceramic figures and painted them. My mother used to spend time doing cross-stitching. I remember a giant box, similar to a tackle box, that my mother had full of craft items, and I loved to go through that box to see what treasures it held. I especially loved some sequins that she kept in there!
In middle school, I was always sticking my camera in my friends faces. I continuously asked my parents to take me to Kmart to have my photos developed. When I discovered it was a thing to take those photos I loved, and put them on paper with pretty designs and stickers (which I had always loved), I knew that scrapbooking was for me! While my first scrapbooks are a far cry from the pages I now create, the changes in techniques tell a story just like the photos in the books.

I've always loved documenting my life, but have not been consistent until my sons came along. I now feel like it is more important than ever to keep up with recording our memories. The time passes so quickly when they are young, and I want to remember as much as possible. My 3 year old says hilarious things daily, and if I do not put them on a journaling card and stick them in a pocket, they will not remain in my memory. So, I keep journaling cards and pens handy around the house and take moments to jot memories down when I feel like it should be documented. I carry a small little bag of such items on our trips as well, to make sure the photos I take on trips stay in context.
I think that some type of life documentation is important for everyone. While not all people are interested in making elaborate scrapbooks, I don't know many people that do not enjoy looking back at old photos and reminiscing. I encourage everyone to document memories in some way; whether it be by keeping a journal, traditionally scrapbooking, completing a Project Life scrapbook, or just printing photos and placing them into an album with 4x6 slots, as I do for my mother-in-law each Christmas. Whatever works for you and your family is what is best. Some will say there's no time, but I suggest just skipping a night of Netflix once a week, and you will see that it is not so hard to upload those digital photos to a printing site and click the order button!

Talk to me in about 10 years when I fully expect to have a crisis over where to store all my albums, but I don't plan on changing my memory keeping habits! Print your photos, teach your children about their history. Share your personal history with your friends and spouse who may not have been around to know you growing up. It will bring you closer together now, and someday, you will be thrilled to have those memories of people who may no longer be with you.